Brand Rankings #1: Cee Jay

For many there was never a question of who would be number one on this list. The Commissioner has been doing his thing in the TTFFL since 2003. It's easy to critique it, but so hard to replicate it.
Why was the Commish ranked where he is? Here are some quotes from our anonymous committee members:
“Let me be very clear by saying this - this is no TTFFL without CJ Julian. Period. Ballgame. End of story. There also is no greater cause for headache and confusion in this league than CJ Julian. Our fearless leader has given us some incredible moments and some horrifying black eyes over the years. But ultimately, his voice reigns above all. There is no other choice for top billing of this brand rankings list than CJ Hizzle Boi, Mr.Hillbilly, Cute N Cuddly Commish. Love him, hate him, admire him, resent him, it all goes back to one thing: Commish is in the middle of all ongoings this league has to offer. God bless this league and God save its members.”
"There just isn’t anyone bringing the storylines, the controversy or the chatter like the Commish. In my opinion his brand is in its own tier alone by a large clip. Whether it’s the making LARGE deals with the BIG NAME players or providing us with endless summer #HillbillyCommish, he’s doing it big every time. The lack of championships in the modern era is actually part of his biggest brand qualities. Every year people are wondering if he’s finally getting that elusive championship to seal his name in the new era of TTFFL."
“People legitimately call him The Commish in public. What else needs to be said? His brand speaks for itself. No matter where he goes, one thing is guaranteed - he will be in the thick of it all causing others to feel just about every emotion possible. Every twist, every turn, every high, every low can be linked back to one individual.. THE COMMISH.”
"At the end of the day the Commish is an embodiment of this league. Passionate, controversial, and often just insane. When you see a Commish move, you know it. It seems like he's making a blockbuster trade every week. He is often taking a beating over the results of these trades, and when he isn't, he's being attacked fro the unfair way in which he ripped someone off. He's got a hot take on every issue, and always has to let his opinion be known. He's the Commish, and there's no one I'd rather have representing this league."