Brand Rankings: #5 Evan Julian

If you told the young boy who asked for a fantasy football draft board for his 12th birthday that he would grow up to be the #5 ranked brand in the League, what would he say? I don't know. Who gives a shit? #5 is Evan Julian.
Why was Evan ranked where he is? Here are some quotes from our anonymous committee members:
"The Evan Julian brand is one of rich tradition when discussing the TTFFL history. A founding father, built the TTFFL media department brick by brick by brick, two time TTFFL champion and some iconic events and stories about him throughout the years (Seaweed hair at the draft is an all time favorite). The EJ Hustle brand is one built on grit and Peyton Manning. The only problem is currently that brand is without a face both Evan and fantasy player wise. The move to being a DC boy undoubtedly separated him from the TTFFL and that resulted in a bit of taking a step back (as shown by the #5 ranking). A move back to Ohio will surely help the brand recover as he is going through a transitional phase. Evan has caught a good amount of flack in the last couple of years both on and off the field. I would argue Evan was one of, if not the best, brands we had in the TTFFL prior to the DC move. Although the brand has began to sour in the last few years starting with the face of his brand in Peyton Manning retiring, I look forward to where Evan will take his brand in the future."
"Where has Evan been? No, really, I feel like I haven’t heard from him in years. We’re talking about a guy that overloaded his plate with great TTFFL content years ago, to one that is now tripping over his own shadow. He was so great for so long, which is why his current dry spell has been so noticeable. The year in D.C. has not been good to him. I think he realizes that, too, and his soon-to-be reunion with the Canton Boys should be a big boost. Evan’s brand in the college years was every bit of top 3 in this league. Now? I’m just not sold anymore. And by the way - I haven’t brought up anything about his recent porous results on the field until now. All that aside, I love that kid."
“Not only did he help create this great league, but he has continued to be the glue that has kept it together for over a decade. Media department president. Podcast host. Data analyst. Auction board creator. You name it, and Evan Julian has probably been in charge of the logistics. All of this is his brand. It may not be flashy and it may go unnoticed at times, but it is an integral part of this league’s success. Countless hours. All grit. No complaining. One may call it the #EJHustle.”
"Evan used to be this old Godfather of the league who pulled the strings ever so slightly to fall in his favor. I don't think success was necessarily ever an important part of his brand. He used to pull in an annual #1 ranking in Owner Power Rankings, and while he had the two championships, I think a lot of that was because of his safe, generally inoffensive nature. He used to stand as a great ambassador for the league, but it feels like that brand has really faded. A few years ago, I might say this ranking was too low. Today, I think it is far too high. He has team hats, and has always had good customized logos, but it is a brand that has lost it's way. I pray that he finds his feet again, and can renew a once great brand."