Brand Rankings: #8 Ryan Shaheen

16 seasons of fantasy football have led Ryan Shaheen's organization into an 8th place ranking among the TTFFL's brands.
Why was Ryan ranked where he is? Here are some quotes from our anonymous committee members:
"It ain’t easy, bein cheesy. The rumblings at the Cheeseplant point to a brand that has relatively underachieved on the fantasy platform without being able to point to a name on the TTFFL trophy. Ryan’s brand outside of the fantasy platform provides individuals with steak night, official TTFFL movie and show critic and more. When you peel the Union back, you’d like to see this brand take more of an influence role within the TTFFL. Ryan’s funny/laid back nature does not jump out at you as a brand like other TTFFL members. The reigning MVP of draft weekend should look to take a step further in the controlling interest of the TTFFL as people would listen."
"What’s better for the brand - pictures of fine meats or winning in fantasy sports? That’s the argument for or against Ryan Shaheen. I think the move from Solon to the limelight of the Treehouse was big for him, and I have no doubts he’ll be able to strive there. His dedication to the cheese plant is also enviable. Make no mistake, Ryan is always down for a good time, even if that means sacrificing his name on the trophy. Still, in my opinion, he has work left to do to dig all the way out of that date night photo from Chicago. That was an all-timer."
“On the field, Ryan’s brand leaves a lot to be desired. Year in and year out I expect big things, only to be left with a product about as solid as his Middlefield Swiss cheese. His move downtown could signal big things. I think it is a great opportunity to rebrand himself with a little flare and charisma. This is the biggest turning point in his career. The question is will he finally take advantage of it?”
"We have seen many faces of Ryan Shaheen's organization in the TTFFL. There was a time when he was one of the League's premier bad boys in 2012 when he was wriggling his way out of signed contracts and holding teams' playoff hopes for ransom in the Week 13 Hostage Crisis. But when I think of this fantasy football team, the first thought is always the same: Is this the year? Ryan made a name for himself early on for being the contender who couldn't close the deal. His losses in the League's biggest game have helped cement the legacies of names like Irwin and Hallsworth. After finishing 2nd-3rd-3rd in 2011-2013, Ryan established a strong brand as the loveable loser. Unfortunately, he has not reached those heights since then. Ryan really needs another Championship defeat stake his claim as the TTFFL's second best. That is currently his clearest path to the top of the brand rankings."