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Brand Rankings: #9 Pat Teynor

Two time* League Champion, Pat Teynor comes in at #9 in the brand rankings list. Just months removed from another Championship appearance, Pat finds himself on the lower end of this list.

Why was Pat ranked where he is? Here are some quotes from our anonymous committee members:

"The art of Teynoring. Name tied to one of the biggest scandals in TTFFL history. TTFFL final golf outing champ. Perhaps the greatest turnaround in one season and a modern era TTFFL champion. The Teynor brand can be interpreted in many ways. One thing is certain, Pat will bring his fastball to any TTFFL weekend event and perform but on the other hand, there is a lack of league influence with his other colleagues within the league. Pat is not known for pushing rule changes or voicing strong opinions over draft locations. He has more of a laid back nature that tends to get lost in translation with other league members."

“Teynoring. Like it or not, we all have witnessed it. Ironically, I think this controversial act sums up his brand perfectly. I am constantly wondering what is going through his head as he disappears into the background and keeps to himself. When will he pop back onto the scene? A good bet would be once he claims his next title or bumble score.. and not a moment before.”

"I don’t think Pat gets nearly enough credit for what he’s achieved in his career. Through the years, he has seen championships, heartbreak, storylines, controversy, the whole bit. That said, I don’t think he’s done the greatest job of promoting himself, either. A vicious competition despite keeping that burning flame quiet at times, Pat, to me, plays a vital part of this league. But his laid back personality and focus on his in-house operations makes it tough for him to move up on this list."

"Pat is a man in denial, and it holds back the potential of his organization's brand. He's like a comic book character, afraid of what could happen if he unleashes the full strength of his powers. Teynoring is a phenomenon that everyone in this league attempts on a regular basis.Pat just happens to come out on the right end of it more often than anyone else. There's a real identity in there somewhere, if he would only embrace it. Maybe it's not the brand that Pat deserves, but it's the one this League needs. That being said, Brand Rankings be damned, Pat has proved there is no obstacle big enough to stop a classic #TeynorTurnaround."

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