Brand Rankings: #10 Stefano Faiella

After back to back rankings of new league members, we get to someone entering their 10th season. The excuse for 11 and 12 was their limited amount of time in the league. That’s not going to work for Stefano Faiella.
Why was Stefano ranked where he is? Here are some quotes from our anonymous committee members:
“I guess he’s a hipster? That’s the brand? He used to lose a lot, and that was entertaining, but he’s not even good at that anymore. I had real trouble trying to figure out what the identity of this organization is.”
“FANO FANONATOR FANO OH FANANATOR. Reliable. Active. Steady yet unspectacular. That is what comes to mind when discussing Fano. He will always be there, whether it is on the field or off, but I am still waiting for his big splash. Time will tell if it will ever happen, but one thing is for certain. You can always count on the FANONATOR."
"Fano is a member of the TTFFL who has a distinct vibe off of the fantasy platform but has not been able to differentiate himself in the fantasy platform. Whether it is the consistent soccer following, the vibrant coffee or the #FlannelFriday, Fano gives the league a breathe of fresh air in the cultural game that is desperately needed by more than a few members."
"What does Fano stand for? I’ve been spending the better part of a decade trying to figure that out. While Fano’s presence and personality are valued in the TTFFL, his fantasy career, on the field and off, has lacked any major spunk. A breakthrough in football would put Fano in the spotlight and go a long way for his persona. Still, that steak dinner in Vegas was delicious."