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Chibby's Corner Schedule
They said it wouldn't happen. They said he didn't have what it takes. But he's attempting to defy the odds yet again this year. Get ready...
Raks ready for full-time TTFFL status
HUDSON, OHIO — Kyle Rakotci knows he’s being offered a unique set of circumstances this fall. And even though his debut season in the...

2016 TTFFL Parade
As is tradition. #TTFFL #Draft

Select Your Own Destiny
Relive the epic adventure. #TTFFL #TTFPS #SYOD

2015 Draft Lottery
Live from the Frat House. The boys really put all their effort and energy into this one... #TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football

2014 Golf Pairings Chip Off
The Commish hits the golf course to decide who is playing with who in the 2014 TTFFL Golf Outing. #TTFFL

Louie's Guarantee
Ignore the poor video quality, and pay attention to the message. #TTFFL #Louie

2014 Draft Lottery
The first year of the Auction Draft, and all of a sudden the Lottery feels a little less exciting. #TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football

Chibby's Championship Celebration
Some lovely hydrangeas. #TTFFL

2013 Draft Lottery
Live from the lovely Irwin household. #TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football
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