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Tiger Township Fantasy League
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Full Blog
2016 TTFFL Parade
As is tradition. #TTFFL #Draft
2015 Draft Lottery
Live from the Frat House. The boys really put all their effort and energy into this one... #TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football
2014 Draft Lottery
The first year of the Auction Draft, and all of a sudden the Lottery feels a little less exciting. #TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football
2013 Draft Lottery
Live from the lovely Irwin household. #TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football
2012 Draft Lottery
#TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football
2011 Draft Lottery
"Shit's rigged" Featuring: Robin #TTFFL #Draft #Lottery #Fantasy #Football
2010 Draft Lottery
After the overwhelming success of the 2009 Lottery, the TTFFL brings a slightly larger crowd for a show that some have referred to as...
2009 Draft Lottery
The first ever Draft Lottery. Gone are the days of pulling names out of a hat on draft day, and putting it back in if they aren't there...
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